It’s charm swap time again! Here’s the link to Mary at The Curious Quilter for all the info you need!
My pic shows 10 blocks complete but as of today I have 20 blocks finished. Each block contains 64 – 2″ charms and is 12″ finished. I’m planning to make a queen size quilt with no sashing and no borders so… I’ll need 56 blocks or 3,584 charms with no repeats!! And that’s what’s so amazing about swapping! For the last swap, I received 700 charms, none of them were the same!!!
If you’ve ever wanted to try a Postage Stamp Quilt, now is the time to start! Check out Mary at The Curious Quilter for information, pictures and ideas!

Your quilt is looking great! That is a lot of unique squares, but you are well on your way.