Well, I’ve done it again! I’ve started on another project instead of finishing them! My camera makes purple look blue, trust me, it’s very purple. This is version one, 17 x 17 (4″ finished units), plus two borders will finish 81″ square. I’ve decided to make it smaller, 13 x 15, which will finish 65″ x 73″. Here’s the layout for that version, which is now on the floor! The trick will be to pick it up in an organized way so I can take it to my quilt retreat this weekend!
(message to sister: I hope you like it!)
And I’m mailing charms today!!! So excited to get some in return!
Big thanks to Mary at The Curious Quilter for organizing the swap. Time to get sewing postage stamp charm blocks!
Check out Judy at Patchwork Times for other Design Wall Monday projects!
Thanks for looking and just keep stitchin’ !
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