Monthly Archives: October 2014

A Tummy Time Quilt for Wyatt!

A Tummy Time Quilt for Wyatt!

Wyatt's Tummy Time ready for givingI’m always excited to personally deliver a Tummy Time quilt, especially when it involves holding babies!  Wyatt’s quilt is my favorite Rectangle Strings with a soft flannel backing.  And thanks to this quilt hanging out in my studio before I was able to deliver it, lots of my clients chose Overlapping Looped Spirals for their quilts, too.Wyatt's Tummy Time QuiltThe strings are color and novelties creating a mass of little “I Spy” fun!  Some of the strings are flannel for textures changes.  My Tummy Time quilts are for car rides, floor playing and park days!

Whenever I finish this pattern, I start another, because there are lots of babies out there!  Stay tuned for the next delivery!


🙂 Linda

Mary’s Brandenburg Bed Runner Plus!

Mary’s Brandenburg Bed Runner Plus!

Mary's Brandenburg Bed Runner centerMary’s Brandenburg Bed Runner measures 30 by 100 inches, it was hard to take a complete picture!  The center panel was super fun to enhance with eight different Superior SoFine!#50 threads!eight threadsThe outside pieced blocks and borders are quilted with freehand flowers and bulb design with matching or low contrast thread.Mary's Bed Runner left detailI hope Mary will share a picture of the completed bed runner, which could be reversible!center detail

Here’s a link to more customer quilt pictures!  And more!


Thanks for looking!

🙂 Linda

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