Time for a new notebook…

Time for a new notebook…

Van Gogh Irises notebook

When I got this notebook for Christmas, I thought the design looked familiar.  It’s Van Gogh’s Irises.

Van Gogh Irises




Van Gogh painted this while living at an asylum and called this painting “the lightning conductor for my illness“.  He felt he could keep himself from going insane by continuing to paint.  I can relate to that.  Quilting keeps me sane!

i use notebooks to keep a diary of every project, mine and customers, that are loaded on the longarm.  This is my fourth notebook!  I like to record thread color, batting and quilting design notes.   I keep track of monthly, yearly and grand totals, too.

Do you have a method for tracking your quilts?

Thanks for looking!  🙂 Linda






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2 Responses

  1. Yes! I track on the back of my estimate forms. But my favorite way is the Now Quilting copy of my invoice to my customers. Waaaay back in 1997 when I started a customer arrived to pick up her completed quilt. She asked “What number am I” What? “What number am I? As in the McDonald’s “billions served”? So I started the Now Quilting invoice. By the way, I’m Now Quilting #2,591!! The quilt historians are going to love finding our records don’t you think?