Monthly Archives: September 2011
E2E using the blocks = Sine Waves
Candy of The Double Nickel Quilt Challenge wanted simple all over quilting for this quilt. Masculine motif, no leaves, hearts or feathers. I really wanted to play off all the squares and rectangles so I started drawing connecting patterns that would go edge to edge (E2E) and on paper they looked like sine waves.
I have a problem!
Anabel gets her Tummy Time quilt!
Peacock Feather Meander
Trust me it’s quilted! While the quilting doesn’t show in this picture, a peacock feather meander is a perfect overall pattern for this quilt. It’s a freehand design that allows you choose your density. The thread is Superior Threads So Fine #50 which blends great with this fabric. The batting is Quilter’s Dream Blend. Here’s the quilting detail, click pictures to enlarge.
Is this one of your regular quilting designs? If not, try it on your next project, either as an E2E or background fill. I’d love to see your pictures, send me a link to your blog or pictures!

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