My design wall is sparse but it’s the beginning of a Trash To Treasure quilt! I’m using the Pineapple Tool by Gyleen X. Fitzgerald and I have the book, too. I’m making the scrappiest version that starts with a red center and every strip is different. I like it! My next blocks will be faster now that I’ve got the “system” figured out and organized by strips! I need about 3 pounds of strips so I’ll be cutting more!
It’s a good thing that Quilting Gallery’s blog hop is going on all week, I still have several letters of the alphabet to complete! Thanks to all those who have visited my blog and entered my giveaway! It’s fun isn’t it?! Some of the commentators have blogs and it’s fun to check them out, too.
Keep hopping and stitchin’ !
Check out Patchwork Times for more Design Wall Monday links.

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