I finally finished my sister’s T-shirt quilt and presented it to her today! In my usual style, I folded the quilt with the label facing out and wrapped it with the selvage edges from the backing fabric.
It wasn’t a surprise, but I didn’t tell her that I had finally finished it. I had some time today so I came to her work to give it to her. I love how it turned out!
Here’s part of the secret message label. I “wrote” in reverse on the front, a message only readable from the back.
Making and giving quilts is such a happy occasion!
Thanks for looking. I’m linking up here!
Thanks for looking!
What a beautiful T-shirt quilt! I bet she just loves it! Thanks for sharing!
Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday
Thanks! She loves it!
You and your sister are adorable and that is such a fun memory quilt! I love the secret message you put on it. Congrats on a great finish and thank you for linking up!
xo -E