One thing I love about making quilts, is that every quilt has it’s own story! The wedding favors for my son’s wedding in 2011 used 5″ squares of Amy Butler fabric. I went to a quilting retreat 2 weeks after their wedding and started making a baby quilt for them using the leftover fabric!After adding more Amy Butler fabric for the borders and backing, their baby quilt was born!
Yes, I made their baby quilt years before baby! However, last month we hosted a baby shower where I was able to present my beautiful daughter in law the “Baby Wedding Quilt”!
None too soon, because on September 1, we met our newest granddaughter, Audrey Ruth!
Yes, this is not my usual Tummy Time quilt, she’ll be able to use this for a long time!
She’s pretty perfect and I look forward to making more quilts for her and maybe future siblings!!
Thanks!! Linda 🙂

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