Tag Archives: scrap quilts

Dolly Quilts for little ones

Dolly Quilts for little ones

wrapped and ready



What does a quilter take to a 2 year old’s birthday party for a present?  Dolly quilts!



Anabel's dolly quilt

As a true scrap quilter, I went to my box of “magic squares” and found sample cuts of a fabric line and random squares of miscellaneous scraps donated to me.



This group is perfect for Anabel’s dolly quilt, the birthday girl.


Jordy's dolly quilt




The random squares are great for Jordy, not his birthday but it’s fun to have a gift for him, too.



flannel back on Anabel's




The quilts are pillow-cased with no batting.  I used flannel and Minkee for the backing fabric.  My expert grandma friend, Candace, recommends no batting for dolly quilts, it’s better for wrapping the babies!


Jordy's trying his out at naptime





I couldn’t get the birthday girl, Anabel, to pose but here’s Jordy and his baby taking a nap.

Thanks!  🙂 Linda



Design Wall Monday and #475!

Design Wall Monday and #475!


I started this project at a quilt retreat in January, it’s from the book, Scrap-Basket Surprises by Kim Brackett.  This one is called, “A Little Tangy”.  All the quilt patterns in this book use 2 1/2″ strips.  As you know, I’ve been cutting up my scraps into strips and squares so this is perfect.  For this project I’m using bright strips because I love bright quilts and I have lots of fabrics in this category!

Notice the two odd blocks?  I had to make 2 wrong before I realized it!  That’s what happens when you stop and start projects!

Now, I just have to decide how big to make this quilt!  I have lots of strips cut so I’ll keep going for now.




I appreciate pattern instructions that include pressing instructions.  For this block the seams are rotated clockwise, making the little 4 patch in the intersection.  If you do each block the same, the seams will nest when they are sewn together.

I’m still working on my Trash to Treasure Pineapple quilt and the small fabric ends from this quilt are going in the pile for pineapple blocks and a few Postage Stamp Charms.

Check out Judy at Patchwork Times for other Design Wall Monday projects!

On another note, Saturday, I quilted my 475th quilt on my longarm!

Thanks for looking and just keep stitchin’ !



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