Tag Archives: antique quilt

Vintage quilt question

Vintage quilt question


Here’s my next quilt for LAQ.  It’s a vintage quilt with hand pieced blocks and machine stitched borders.  Some of the fabrics look like feed sack material.

One of my books, called this block, “Zig Zag”.  Is there another name for it?

Leave me a comment if you know of another name for this block!  Thanks!!  🙂 Linda

Do you have a treasure in your closet? Part III

Do you have a treasure in your closet? Part III

Deb's Antique Butterfly quilt

As promised, here’s the completed quilt picture!  The binding is black Kona cotton which accents the black butterfly bodies.  The quilt is larger than my hanging space!  As I worked on this, I picked out my favorite butterfly fabrics.  Here’s one of my favorites.

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Do you have a treasure in your closet? Part II

Do you have a treasure in your closet? Part II

I decided to use  flowers, hearts and loops in the pink areas, a whimsical flower in each white cornerstone, a small meander in the butterfly background and a couple loops through the wings.  I did not stitch through the polyester double knit butterfly bodies.  The pictures below show before and after pictures of the quilt when it’s on the frame. The dense stitching flattened the puckered areas beautifully!  I was very happy about that!  The batting is Quilter’s Dream Poly and the thread is a white PermaCore.  Here’s a link to Part I of this quilting story.

blocks quilted, sashing to be quilted

View of sashing row to be quilted

Detail of sashing area after quilting


View of sashing row after quilting

Do you have a treasure in your closet? Part I

Do you have a treasure in your closet? Part I

Do you have a quilt top in your closet that needs to be finished?  Deb had one of those!  Her grandmother started the quilt by making the butterfly blocks and her mother finished it.  According to Deb, the butterfly fabrics are from the 60’s and 70’s.  I was very excited and honored to have the opportunity to finish this quilt for Deb from the quilting to the binding!  And now she’ll be able to give her daughter a completed heirloom!

What if it’s not sewn very well or is not high quality fabrics?  What if it has holes from being stored?  These imperfections are noticeable when it’s unfinished but after some repairs and quilting it can become an heirloom!  Here’s Deb’s Antique Butterfly quilt before quilting.

One thing that I noticed was that it had side borders but no top borders, maybe they ran out of fabric?  There were small holes in some of the pink areas that I repaired by snipping small amounts from the seam allowances.   I then placed the snipped pieces under the holes and used Stitch Witchery to adhere them.  The blocks were not accurately pieced, resulting in some puckering of fabric.

In the next post, I’ll show the quilting process and the final product!

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