I’m getting to the end of Candace’s quilts for her Double Nickel Quilt Challenge year, I think after this one, Crosswise, I only have one left! She’s still making quilts like crazy (check here for the latest) and I’m honored and humbled that she has me quilt them. However, I am still encouraging her to get a longarm!
For a little quilt, we spent more time trying to decide how to quilt it! When Candace said she wanted to keep this quilt at home for her grandkids to cuddle under, I knew what to do! The quilt is small, 38″ x 50″, and as much as I wanted to do some dense quilting in the white areas, the end result would not be a cuddler!
Here are the stats: Double Bud pantograph by Keryn Emmerson, Quilter’s Dream Puff batting and Superior Threads Bright White OMNI.

The “unquilted” areas create a nice wavy movement that compliments the blocks. The back view shows the pattern repeat of the pantograph. And this hardly ever happens, the pattern repeat of the pantograph fit the quilt perfectly!
The end result is a soft, cute and cuddly quilt!

If you’re a fan of Jennifer Chiaverini, here’s a chance to win her newest book, to be released Feb. 21, 2012. The publishers were kind enough to send me an advance copy for review and giveaway to a lucky reader!
Here’s a link to the initial giveaway post!
Enter to win before Sunday, Feb. 19, 2012, 9 pm, CST.
Thanks for looking and just keep stitchin’
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