Tag Archives: Tummy Time

First Tummy Time Quilt of 2015!

First Tummy Time Quilt of 2015!

Mom to be!Yes, those string blocks are from my January retreat sewing!  How about that for getting a quilt done in time for the baby shower?!  Thirty six string blocks make a great Tummy Time quilt.  The pattern is a free download from MaryQuilts.com, called Rectangle Strings.  If you wanted to make a bigger quilt, add borders.  I leave off the borders so the quilt finishes at width of fabric.Baby Hartman pink string quiltThe quilting is a double meander scrunched together, which looks like ruffles.  This quilting design will be another Quilt Easy video when I find another quilt to do it on!stitched labelSince the baby’s name hasn’t been revealed, the stitched label is “Baby Girl”!  I’m usually only making quilts for my big family but this one is for a very special neighbor.  And just to be safe, I’ve got more baby quilts in the works!

I sure hope spring follows Spring Ahead today!  I’m ready for winter to be over!

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Baby Gavin’s Tummy Time Quilt!

Baby Gavin’s Tummy Time Quilt!

Wrapped and readyIf I’ve counted correctly,this is Tummy Time quilt number 5 this year!   And Gavin is Wyatt’s cousin!  It was fun to make 2 quilts for my friend’s grandchildren.Gavin's Tummy Time quiltThe center strings are a red flannel with lots of brights and novelties.  The batting is Quilters Dream Puff, quilted with one of my favorite freehand quilting designs, Overlapped Looped Spirals using Superior SoFine! #50.Stitched out nameGavin was an early baby so I was quilting this one after he was born which allowed me to stitch his name into one of solid strings!

January is retreat month so I’ll be starting another one to be prepared for the next one!

Thanks!  Linda


Baby Liam’s Tone it Down Tummy Time quilt!

Baby Liam’s Tone it Down Tummy Time quilt!

Liam's Tone it Down Tummy Time quiltIn September, I found out my niece, Ashley was pregnant and that we were having a baby shower for her when our family gathered for our annual Thanksgiving adventure.  I was sure I wouldn’t be able to get a tummy time quilt done and that I’d send it to her when the baby was born in March.  Not so!!  Normally, my Tummy Time quilts are bright and scrappy, however, I knew Ashley was using a Tone it Down palette for her nursery and I decided to work with that.  I had a Moda charm pack called Road 15 that I added two soft peppered cottons to make this sweet Tummy Time quilt.  The quilting is a simple soft grid and the batting is Quilters Dream 100% cotton.wrapped and ready!I found the perfect backing fabric in my stash, (smiley face) and here’s my usual quilt wrapping.  I love it!me and ashleyThe baby shower was last week and here’s the beautiful mommy to be!

Why my baby quilts are called Tummy Time quilts – About six years ago I made a baby quilt for my niece’s baby Gabriella and when I gave it to her, she said, this will be perfect for Tummy Time, along with an explanation of what tummy time is.  Light bulb!  Since then, every baby quilt I give is called Tummy Time, with a note explaining that these are not heirlooms but quilts to use and abuse!

I’ve added a new video to my “Quilt Easy” series, check it out here!

Thanks!  Linda

A Tummy Time Quilt for Wyatt!

A Tummy Time Quilt for Wyatt!

Wyatt's Tummy Time ready for givingI’m always excited to personally deliver a Tummy Time quilt, especially when it involves holding babies!  Wyatt’s quilt is my favorite Rectangle Strings with a soft flannel backing.  And thanks to this quilt hanging out in my studio before I was able to deliver it, lots of my clients chose Overlapping Looped Spirals for their quilts, too.Wyatt's Tummy Time QuiltThe strings are color and novelties creating a mass of little “I Spy” fun!  Some of the strings are flannel for textures changes.  My Tummy Time quilts are for car rides, floor playing and park days!

Whenever I finish this pattern, I start another, because there are lots of babies out there!  Stay tuned for the next delivery!


🙂 Linda

Baby Alexander’s Tummy Time Quilt Revealed!

Baby Alexander’s Tummy Time Quilt Revealed!

wrapped and ready    I was so excited to deliver Alex’s Tummy Time quilt today!  My second Tummy Time of this year.  Next week I’ll be starting another!  Always more babies!

AlexanderDoesn’t he look cute next to his name?Anabel

And his big sister, Anabel, had fun playing peek-a-boo with his new quilt!stitched date

Here’s his birthday!  And my signature.

stitched signatureThis is one of my favorite scrappy quilts and perfect for Tummy Time.  The batting is Quilter’s Dream Puff, soft and lofty!

Alexander Thomas tummy time quilt

I’m linking with A Stitch in Time for another April finish!  Thanks!  Linda 🙂


April Finishes
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